Usually people start the year out or end the previous year with their Make 9s, a collection of things they plan on making for the next year.
I’ve never made one for myself and also never give myself a deadline of when I will make a project but along with the other million goals I have set for myself this year, I want to learn new sewing techniques. Things I’ve been shying away from learning out of fear of not knowing how to do it.
I recently watched a YouTube video of a sewist I respect and think is HIGHLY skilled - she was sewing hard pants and said she had been avoiding them because there were technical elements that she didn’t know how to do yet. This was the gentle push I needed, seeing someone who I consider an expert who was actively learning something new even if it was out of their comfort zone.
In 2024 my love of learning is outweighing my fear of failure. Growth. Bravery. Resilience. So here comes my Make 9 in no particular order.
*From top left to bottom right
Ganni inspired long quilted coat. I’ve been wanting to make this one for some time, finally thrifted a green sun washed comforter recently so we’re MAKING PROGRESS. Will be the first time hiding the zipper closure, doing welt pockets, an hood and lining. Eeek, I think I need a pattern for this one.
Rows Outline Sweater - I’m about 50% of the way through this. Will be the first time doing crochet to attach the front to the back.
Slip dress inspired by the one and only Peggy Gou, style inspiration #1, don’t have a pattern for this yet but I’ll be doing bias cutting for the first time.
Cowriekini from Paradise Patterns. I have the pattern for this but not the fabric yet. I’ve sewn swimsuits a few times but never from a pattern before.
Bias binding button up. Bode is king. I’ve made many shirts but not with this detailing. I’ve thrifted both fabric and bias binding for this project!
I’m *incredibly* into Cobb salad and with the help of my friend i am going to be making my own merch because yes I’ve looked and there is no Cobb salad merch that suits my standards. This will be my first time doing decal work.
7-9. ATHLETIC CLOTHES. I made some samples earlier this winter and am going to make finals for the 5” nylon/spandex running shorts, bias binding vintage inspired running shorts and adidas track pants. I really don’t feel confident sewing elastic waists so this will be good practice for me.
Ok!!!! If you want to see where I dump a lot of my sewing inspiration images, feel free to tune into my Pinterest board. I’ve been making biannual mood-boards for myself on that platform since 2016 which you’re also welcome to look at. I find it helpful when I’m going thrifting to have a vision in mind for what I want to find.
Bye bye friends ~