Sewing is a very quiet activity for me. Being self-taught, introspective and fairly introverted, participating and processing new techniques is mostly a silent process. NESST the substack (TM) is a practice in bringing my sewing thoughts outside of the caverns of my own skull and tossing them into the great big World Wide Web.

Support, critique, discussion, feedback, conversation, community etc etc etc. I’m here for it.

I would love to lower the monthly subscription by half, but Substack requires the minimum to be $5 so my workaround for that is to offer the annual subscription for $30

Right now I have nothing to offer to paid subscribers. I’m not promising any sort of frequency output on this platform nor do I want to ever, but if you’d like to support me financially, who am I to stop you!

Please visit my website if you’d like to buy a gift for yourself or someone in your life.

my instagram handle @nesst_shop

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Learning and growing